White paper: Unleashing personal health data for care and research – The InteropEHRate approach
InteropEHRate seeks to link health data from disparate sources and give citizens more control over their health data, thus improving care and increasing the speed of health research.
Using InteropEHRate solutions, citizens can access and use their own health data for research and care in addition to the existing healthcare-based model. As part of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and in accordance with their preferences, citizens are able to control the data they share with healthcare professionals and research centers using their mobile devices.
Mobile applications called smart electronic health records (S-EHRS) store health data in smartphones without relying on the cloud. They are an integral part of the citizen-centric health care model. Open protocols such as InteropEHRate facilitate the exchange of health data securely between S-EHRS under control of citizens over the data they want to share, when they want to share it, and with whom they want to share it.
Source: https://www.interopehrate.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/InteropEHRate-White-Paper.pdf