Integration and Deployment of Cloud-Based Assistance System in PHArA-ON Large Scale Pilots—Experiences and Lessons Learned
PHArA-ON is an EU project that integrates digital tools, platforms, platforms with APIs, and devices to support older European adults. The project’s objective is to validate the integrated solutions in large-scale pilot projects. A mature solution and existing systems must be integrated seamlessly if the pilots are to achieve their goals. One such solution is the privacy aware home-care assistance system Smart Habits, which can seamlessly be incorporated into the pilots. A short description of PHArA-ON and SmartHabits is followed by the authors’ proposal of various PHArA-ON models for the AAL domain, including the PHArA-ON conceptual model, PHArA-ON logical architecture view, AAL ecosystem model and PHArA-ON ecosystem and governance model. In their detailed account of how SmartHabits is integrated into the PHArA-ON ecosystem, the authors provide details of the integration and deployment process. Integration activities and challenges are discussed from technical and supporting standpoints. Technical activities include syntactic and semantic integration and the security of sensitive PHArA-ON data transfer.