The third InteropEHRate White Paper offers an overview of challenges related to European health data exchange across institutions, regions, and countries as well as incorporating discussions held with experts in semantics and other fields. Technologists and healthcare practitioners are among the target audience for the article. The white paper focuses additionally on chief information officers and data managers of hospitals, decision-makers of healthcare and -IT software, as well as clinicians and medical directors concerned with how health data from clinical settings can be reused.
The paper describes the heterogeneity and interoperability problems due to the breadth and scope of the health data domain. In addition, the document presents a solution that was developed within the framework of the InteropEHRate project based on an in-depth and comprehensive analysis of data. Further, the paper illustrates how these tools and methods were applied in clinical and research situations requiring cross-border interoperability. Finally, it outlines conditions that need to be fulfilled for the exploitation of health data.
Source: https://www.interopehrate.eu/blog/2022/05/17/white-paper-towards-interoperable-health-data/