Networking and brokerage event
Join us at our networking and brokerage event during the AgeingFit conference, taking place on March 1-2, 2022 in Lille, France!
01.03.2022 – 02.03.2022
Morning session “The importance of open platforms in technology for ageing and care”
In the domains of Active and Healthy Ageing (AHA) and Active Assisted Living (AAL), an open platform is a system that allows the integration of and substitutability between applications, services and devices from multiple vendors. It is an open digital ecosystem that connects the individual users to health or social care provisions, to lifestyle and prevention applications, and home health and digital health technology to support their independent living, healthy lifestyles and participation in society.
This session looked at successful development, implementation and benefits of such systems from a platform provider and care provider perspective. The session also discussed what the EU has done and is doing in this domain and why it considers open platforms as an important building block.
Moderator: Ad van Berlo, Manager R&D, Smart Homes & (Download presentation)
Martijn Schuurmans, CEO, Eurocom Group – Open Care Connect, The Netherlands
Christoph Klein, Policy Officer, European Commission (Donwload presentation)
Bart Degryse, Project Manager Care Innovation, Wit-Gele Kruis West-Vlaanderen, Belgium (Download presentation)
Luc Nicolas, eHealth Project Officer, EHTEL & OPEN DEI, Belgium (Dowload presentation)
Geja Langerveld, ZonMW / AAL Programme Contact Point, The Netherlands Networking and Brokerage Event – Supporting the Uptake of Open Platforms for Active and Healthy Ageing (AHA) and Active Assisted Living (AAL)
This event was organised by, a coordination and support action that focuses on the larger scale uptake of open platforms in the AHA/AAL domain. It brought together a number of projects, companies and organisations to present and discuss initiatives and experiences in this domain, and to look at what exactly an open platform ecosystem is, reasons why to use an open platform, benefits and specific use cases. The event provided better insights to industry stakeholders (startups, SMEs and larger companies) and care organisations as to how an open platform can be beneficial for them.
Also specific tools and services were presented, which allow platform providers and other stakeholders to interact and collaborate, and to evaluate the impact and performance of open platforms.
Welcome and Introduction to and Open Platforms in the Domain of Active and Healthy Ageing (AHA) an Active Assisted Living (AAL)
Frederic Lievens (Lievens-Lanckman, Belgium – partner) (Donwload presentation)
Overview and experiences from open platforms and solution providers:
universAAL IoT – The open source platform that enables seamless interoperability of devices, services and applications
Dr. Silvia Rus, Senior Researcher, Competence Center “Smart Living & Biometric Technologies”, Fraunhofer Institute of Computer Graphic Research (IGD), Germany (Donwload presentation)
PHArA-ON – Pilots for Healthy and Active Ageing – Integrating digital services, devices, and tools into open platforms that can be readily deployed
(Platform ecosystems, from theory to reality: What is a platform ecosystem? Why is it important? Lessons learnt from the manufacturing field. Creating an AHA/AAL platform ecosystem. Benefit for developers and end-users.)
Dr. Usman Wajid, Technical Director, ICE – Information Catalyst for Enterprise, UK
Dr. Cesar Marin, Senior Computer Scientist, ICE – Information Catalyst for Enterprise, UK (Donwload presentation)
SHAPES – Smart & Healthy Ageing through People Engaging in Supportive Systems – Deploying a large-scale, EU-standardised open platform
Dr. Alexia Zurkuhlen, Project Management Health Region Cologne Bonn, Head of gewi-Institut für Gesundheitswirtschaft, Germany (Download presentation)
SMART-BEAR – Smart Big Data Platform to Offer Evidence-based Personalised Support for Healthy and Independent Living at Home
Eleftheria Vellidou, Senior Researcher, Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS), Greece (Download presentation)
ProKNX – IoT and smart home devices for KNX home automation
Christian Kiefel, CEO, ProKNX, France (Download presentation)
4LifeBox – A fully safe digital environmentµ
Rick Overkleeft, CEO, 4MedBox Europe, The Netherlands
Arthur Schreuder, Chairman, 4LifeSupport Europa, The Netherlands (Download presentation)
Gripwise – Adaptable smart technology within the scope of multiple health applications
Ricardo Moura, CEO, GRIPWISE TECH, Portugal (Download presentation)
FICHe – Future Internet Challenge eHealth – Experiences and lessons learned by European SMEs and startups to develop successful applications and businesses using FIWARE technology in the eHealth market
(FIWARE is a curated framework of Open Source Platform components to accelerate the development of Smart Solutions)
Paul Pelsmaeker, CEO, Helder Resultaat, The Netherlands (Download presentation)
OPEN DEI – Aligning Reference Architectures, Open Platforms and Large-Scale Pilots in Digitising European Industry – Digital platforms in the healthcare sector
Luc Nicolas, eHealth Project Officer, EHTEL, Belgium (Download presentation)
e-VITA – EU-Japan Virtual coach for smart ageing
Florian Szczepaniak, Télécom SudParis, France (Download presentation)
Platform evaluation, KPIs, MOOC and other tools and services provided by
Frederic Lievens (Lievens-Lanckman, Belgium – partner) (Download presentation)
Conclusion and future activities
Frederic Lievens (Lievens-Lanckman, Belgium – partner) (Download presentation)