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HORUS.AI - A Knowledge-based Solution Supporting Health Persuasive Self-Monitoring
Automatically monitoring and supporting healthy lifestyle is a recent research trend, fostered by the availability of low-cost monitoring devices, and it can significantly contribute to the prevention of chronic diseases deriving from incorrect diet and lack of physical activity. This paper demonstrates HORUS.AI, a platform enabling the monitoring of people behaviors by means of knowledge-based technologies for persuading them to follow healthy lifestyles.
How Frequently Should You Monitor Your Website?
The article elaborates on the monitor frequency a website is a subject to.
How to Evaluate Website Platforms
The article presents five steps for evaluating website platforms that can easily be applied to any other software solutions to be compared with.
Improving the elderly quality of life: from smart sensors to distributed platforms.
This article analyzes some tools that are frequently embedded on digital platforms from an old-age perspective, in order to increase awareness of the different ways in which ageism works.
IoT architecture challenges and issues: Lack of standardization
The paper discusses Lack of Standardization issues, challenges and review existing state of the art standards to highlight.
IoT Semantic Interoperability for Active and Healthy Ageing
Description of the semantic interoperability of ACTIVAGE
Key factors to be considered for a Successful IoT strategy
Developing the IoT strategy, aligning it to operations, technology and with the organisation's business models requires attention from the start. The strategic concerns should be addressed well before the start of IoT implementation and should be revisited throughout the process.
Learning Management Systems as Platforms for Increasing the Digital and Health Literacy
The results of this work show that older populations have a high medication burden. With the growing elderly and AD populations, medication management for polypharmacy is a need that grows direr every year. uMH’s platform was able to identify a multitude of polypharmacy problems that individuals are currently facing.