Howdy Senior

Use Cases
Fatigue Caregiver reporting Wellbeing coaching Fall detection Activity tracking Caregiver notifications Wearing detectionTechnologies
Mobile application Health-care measurement devices Fall prevention system WearablesDescription
ComfTech system named Howdy Senior is a class IIB medically certified device, composed of: a) a smart garment; b) a monitoring unit, i.e. a small device where data are received, processed and transmitted over a wireless Bluetooth communication c) an App/SDK available Interface allowing the interaction product–user, according to a totally user-centered approach.
The smart garment includes textile electrodes and circuits, so that it is totally made of textile, washable and reusable. Garments are made in Italy, differentiated according to use and can be customized in various shapes and materials. They are anallergic, soft and comfortable; all materials are oekotex standard class I and the proprietary sensors have been tested for Skin irritance, cytotoxicity, hypersensitivity.
Electrodes allow to detect data in real time in a continuous and non-invasive mode. Detected data are Heart Rate (ECG); Breathing Rate; Position: prone, supine, right/left side; Movement: still, walking, running.
The parameters are linked to each-other for more complex processing, according to different uses.
The signal of the Beat Unit can be displayed via an APP on a mobile phone, or sent to medical portals or online archives. Data are stored locally and can be processed in real time, to generate a notification in case of parameters out of the normal range of values. Reports can be generated for a selected time period. Data are stored in a datalake.
In the emerging context of Coronavirus pandemic, the system described above has been furtherly implemented integrating 2 external devices: oximeter and thermometer, to measure SpO2 and temperature. The implemented solution allows for less medicalization, enabling a complete parameters remote measurement (Heart Rate, Breathing Rate, Temperature, Oximeter, Position, Movement) through a unique system, simply to be installed and used.
Experimentation with hospitals have been carried out in different areas: covid patients remote monitoring, people affected from heart disease monitoring, oncological patients home monitoring and oncological patients monitoring during rehabilitation, namely women with breath cancer.
Further applications of the System have been developed: from stress level measurement to sleep disorders monitoring. In the area of rehabilitation, accelerometers are used for movement analysis (imbalances, loss of balance) and for gait analysis; biofeedback methodology allows for improving patents' performance.
Business Partners:
Medici Insubria
MVM Italia
We+Tech (We+Care)
Dan Europe
data accuracy coupled with high comfort
cost effective
monitoring everywhere