
Use Cases
Caregiver reporting Caregiver notifications Care Environment
Mobile application


PAUL is an assistance system that can be operated via touch display and is easy to use. Both a tablet computer with PAUL software and, for example, a smartphone with an app can be used.

PAUL supports communication, social participation, neighborhood connectivity, security and building automation with digital assistive devices. The target group is people of advanced age and people with impairments.
However, PAUL is also increasingly being used in the neighborhood for families and people of all ages.

Licence: Free in the app store

Business Partners:
Techniker Krankenkasse
Gaggenauer Altenhilfe
Caritas Zweibrücken
DRK Stendal


without cost commitment;
In reference to the cost very complex;
very handy;
very efficient;
ease of use;
simple understood;


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